📺 Videos your students will want to watch

Plus: An easy tip to improve student instructions

📺 We live in a YouTube/TikTok world

We see it everywhere we go …

  • People scrolling through video after video on TikTok.

  • Others looking up tutorials on YouTube.

  • Watching video of friends and family on Insta Stories.

  • Students watching other kids gaming on Twitch.

Video is a HUGE part of our lives. It’s a huge part of instruction these days, too.

Want to find videos your students will actually WANT to watch?

There’s this resource called TeachFlix I MUST tell you about. (It might be the reason you get this email in the first place!)

Plus, we have lots of tips for video engagement, too …


  • 📈 Use Google Classroom? Here’s how to do MORE with it

  • 👀 DTT Digest: Pear Deck, Canva, Post-Its, coloring

  • 💡 The Big Idea: 🎥 Teach engaging lessons with video

  • 💻 Tech Tip: ✨ Short paragraphs grab student attention

  • 😄 Smile of the day

  • 👋 How we can help

📈 Use Google Classroom? Here’s how to do MORE with it

All the YouTube tutorials and blog posts seem to tell you the basics about Google Classroom.

How to make an assignment. How to leave feedback.

What if you want to use Google Classroom to make BETTER assignments? Leave BETTER feedback?

Do More with Google Classroom is my practical guide to level up teaching and learning with Classroom.

You’ll get tons of actionable tips and strategies to teach better, save time, and make a difference with Google Classroom.

DTT Digest

4 teaching resources worth checking out today


🎥 Teach engaging lessons with video

🤔What is TeachFlix?

Teachflix.org is our educational resource website where we have curated and organized YouTube videos for classroom use. It was created based on recommendations from teachers around the world who shared the videos they actually show in their classes.

Teachflix.org is designed to help teachers find useful videos and provide them with ready-to-use assignments. We do our best to update the site as often as we can.

👀What you’ll find on TeachFlix

📺 More than 400 instructional videos (suggested by educators)

📺 A search bar to search for keywords

📺 "Who's Watching" buttons to open videos just for elementary, middle, and high school

📺 Category pages (with cool movie posters as the buttons)

📺 Filters on category pages to narrow down the videos displayed

📺 Individual video pages with short summaries

📺 An ebook full of activities you can do with these videos

👩🏾‍🏫 Teaching with TeachFlix

What can you do with all of these videos? A lot. Of course, you can use any of the activities from our ebook Teaching With TeachFlix. But with a little appsmashing you can do so much more!

  • 🤖 Use AI to create instant guided notes for any of the videos on TeachFlix. This post Classroom AI 101: Create guided notes for videos with AI walks you through how to do it step-by-step.

  • ❓Create an instant quiz to accompany the video with Quizizz AI. Just sign into Quizizz then click on the button that says “Create with YouTube”.

  • 📊Get leveled resources to accompany the video. With Diffit you can paste in the YouTube url and automagically generate resources that are perfect for your class.

💻 Tech Tip

Short paragraphs grab student attention

I’ve created these email newsletters and blog posts for educators for more than 10 years now.

I’ve learned a lot of lessons, but here’s one that has really stuck …

My readers don’t like long paragraphs. (Well, neither do I.)

I’ve noticed that, often, the content that engages me the most doesn’t have big blocks of text. And a short punchy sentence can really stand out.

Like, REALLY stand out.

(See what I did there?)

This logic works in communication with students and adults, too …

  • In document comments — or learning management comments — break long paragraphs up into smaller ones.

  • You can do this with assignment instructions, too.

  • In emails to students (and adults), shorter paragraphs are more likely to be read.

💡 How? Use Shift+Enter twice to add a line without submitting the comment.

It’s a tiny shift you can make now with huge potential impact.

😄 Smile of the day

Maybe your students will listen to Travis???

h/t Teacher Nation via Teacher Memes Facebook group

👋 How we can help

There are even more ways I can support you in the important work you do in education:

  1. Read one of my six books about meaningful teaching with tech.

  2. Take one of our online courses about practical and popular topics in education.

  3. Bring me to your school, district or event to speak. I love working with educators!

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